I basically had last week off. One of the Marines I work with got an e-mail that she had to do bay orderly, a week off from work where you clean the barracks (dorms in Air Force terminology) instead. She was busy, I'm expendable so I did it instead. I'd say I took one for the team but it was great. I met the guy I'd be cleaning with, Senior Airman Smith (E-4). He has been on island almost a year. He also did a tour in Iraq in the mail room. He was in charge of making sure the packages got to where they needed to go and even took the mail out to the farther away camps via helicopter. He currently works the Naha, capitol of Okinawa, Airport and takes the packages off the planes and sends them to the trucks. He had done bay orderly before so he knew what to do.

It was just him and I for the four floors of the barracks. We vacuumed, swept, mopped, cleaned the lint out of all of the dryers and from all over the floor, but most importantly made sure all the trash was picked up from outside. This was the most tedious part because of all of the smokers who can't throw their butts away. We'd do a pass around the building with rubber gloves. The first day wasn't too bad at all. For the rest of the week all we did was clean up the trash and then were able to go back up into our rooms. I watched episodes of Lost. There was only one time they needed us and it was to load boxes from a storage room onto a truck.

The final day we had to move all of the furniture off of the smoke deck and pressure wash away all of the dirt and grime. It was annoying but we got it done and I got back to watching Lost. I went back to work for a couple days with a 4 day weekend after. Haha. I even managed to miss Friday because I had to go to the gas chamber.
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