The recipe called for:
2 Tablespoons of crisco
5 Teaspoons of cornstarch
1 Teaspoon of flour
Blue food coloring.
There was another recipe that called for glycerin but the only glycerin I had heard of was nitro glycerin - the stuff they use to make bombs. I figured glycerin would be hard to find so I went with the first recipe. I ended up with the following:
But getting the supplies was an adventure in itself. Who knew the food store (we call the commissary) didn't carry blue food coloring. I went and asked the bakery if they knew anything and the Okinawan man gave me a small container of it. Very nice of him. Also, in order to use a few drops... you need a dropper. I ended up buying baby tylenol just so I could get the dropper out of it. The eye dropper is just one of those things you end up just having in your house but can never find in stores. I also made sure to get a mixed dealy and measures for the teaspoons and tablespoons. I followed the instructions and came up with this:
I tried putting it on my skin but it ended up basically being like blue petroleum jelly. I still have it does not dry out. It would be too messy to wear at a Halloween Party. I would have to search out another means of becoming blue. I had already tried finding a certain Halloween store but after the first attempt I couldn't find it. I have to make this Halloween a good one no matter what problems come up. I was in boot camp last year and I want to make up for it.
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