At AFN we make 2 minute-long TV news stories. The story itself is about a minute and twenty seconds. In order to make it a total of two minutes we include a opening and closing title that says, "AFN Okinawa" with some catchy music. Most of the time is taken up by doing something we call leads and tags. Leads and tags are the way we open a news story. The person doing the lead introduces the story to the audience and then finishes with "[INSERT NAME HERE] takes us to [INSERT PLACE] where [WHATEVER IS GOING ON]. It's a lot easier to write leads and tags then deliver them, that's for sure.

Note: The remote control looking device in my hand is what scrolls the teleprompter.

Although I've been in Okinawa for about 9 months now, I'm now just starting to do leads and tags. It's fun, but challenging. You have to stand perfectly still, while reading off a teleprompter and BLINKING. Since I concentrate on the words I forget to blink. It ends up just looking very creepy. Haha. I'm learning and that's what's important. I'm doing more and more news stories every week. It's a lot more fun filming news stories than commercials.
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