My mom sent me a link from careerpath.com for a test that tells you career ideas.
After a whole slew of questions it came up with this:
BLUE indicates
YELLOW indicates
People with Blue interests like activities that allow them to be creative. This can be through more traditional visual arts, writing or musical pursuits although not limited to these. The creativity is often expressed in thinking of new ideas or strategies that can have a broad range of applications. Blue interests often like thinking about the future and planning for long term benefits. Hobbies include: performing or listening to music, attending theater, story telling, journaling, decorative arts, painting. Career choice often are: Editor, Journalist, Teacher, Strategic Planner, Consultant, Performing Arts, Marketing, Communications, Research and Development.
People with Yellow strengths are good at managing details and creating sophisticated processes that allow them to get complex work done. Once a game plan has been put in place, it is implemented. Their decisions are based on facts and carefully reasoned. When working with other people, they are fair and democratic and always can be counted on to deliver what they commit to.
Sounds about right on. Journalism, teaching, marketing, communications. All careers I've thought about. I'm trying to find more teachers to talk to. I'm looking into jobs that will allow me to continue to travel around the world.
With the teaching with the Department of Defense you can travel all over the world:
Length of Tour
Tours of duty are one or two school years depending on the area of assignment. - One-Year Tour Areas: Bahrain, Cuba, Italy (Sigonella), Korea, Japan (Misawa and Okinawa), Portugal (Azores) and Turkey.
- Two-Year Tour Areas: Belgium, England, Germany, Italy (other than Sigonella), Japan (other than Misawa and Okinawa), Netherlands and Spain.
I gotta say i dont agree with that picture, I take pride in knowing other cultures and respecting people, I just hate the stereotypes that Americans get oversees. So i try and prove them wrong every chance i get. Anyways, i found a site you would like, baraaza.com
Interesting blog. I particularly enjoyed your work-related posts, since they provide a little "behind the scenes" into AFN.
that map is hilarious... and true
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