Outside the library I met a young woman who looked as lost as I did. She was looking for the hours too. We were wondering if it had closed (it was about 5pm) but we walked around and found the front door was on another side of the building.
She was looking for CLEP test materials so she can test out of some classes. She said she already had some college before going into the Air Force. It gave her some extra rank which is how it works in the Marine Corps too.
She walked off and I never did get her name. I walked around the library some more seeing what they all had and how big it was and I ran into her again. This time I properly introduced myself and she said her name was Alisha. All the Air Force folk go by first names... it's weird being called Mike to my face. I'm too used to "Ski".
I guess they didn't have what she wanted. I had gotten the hours from the desk so I was good. She had one more stop so I asked to come along. We went to the arts and crafts store so she could buy a sketch book. I guess she's some sort of artist but I've never seen her work. She said she was going over to a friends to "sketch his wall". I still don't know what that means but I'm pretty sure it's not some innuendo.
We rode back my building and I noticed a ring on left hand's ring finger. Typically reserved for wedding rings, right? Well she wears a cheap ring she found out in a parking lot as a semi-joke but to keep the Air Force boys from following her around like dogs. I'd do it if I were female too. These Airmen walk around as if looking for scraps to be thrown to them.
We talked about what we'd like to end up doing in life and then I ranted about Sarah Palin and left soon after. Now this isn't a political blog, but really? Read up about Palin and you decide.
For anyone out there reading this please do remember to vote. Not only are you voting for your president, the most powerful man in the world, you're also voting for my boss. Not too often do you get to vote for who you want as a boss in the civilian world.
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