We all met up at Staff Sgt. Herrmann's house off base. There was Staff. Sgt. Woolston, his wife, Lance Corporal Means, Lance Corporal Candelaria, Corporal Hunter, and an Air Force maintainer (they make sure our stuff doesn't break) named Nate... Bock, I think. It's tough working with all the Air Force folks because everyone seems to go by their first names.
We went to the seawall that is located right by Staff Sgt. Herrmann's house. Nice house by the way.

By the way, all pictures were taken by Staff Sgt. Woolston.

There were schools of fish like this everywhere.

Here is a lionfish. It's poisonous. If it stabs you you'll get headaches, throw up and cause you a lot of pain. Staff Sgt. Woolston got a little too close we all thought. Well, he got a good picture, good on him.

A starfish Staff Sgt. Woolston found.

There was a lot of coral out there and this is just a taste of what I saw.

Once again, big thanks goes out to Staff. Sgt. Woolston for showing me what I needed to snorkel and for taking all of these great pictures.
I went snorkeling in Hawaii it was alot of fun :) I wish I have a good camera to take photos.
Looks like your having alot of fun Devil Dog.
Keep up the good work w/ the blog.
sweet pictures! it looks like you are having fun. :)
miss youuuuu.
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