Many people search youtube to learn a little about the Marine Corps before they join. My Jessica found him and watched his videos before she went to boot camp. When she came to Okinawa she recognised him when he was processing her new orders.
Today I had to take care of some Marine Corps-related business so I stopped by his office to talk to him about how he goes about and gets his videos. On my way I found a Marine who said Shea had a "cult following". Shea denies that though. He's only trying to show Marines and the world that there's more to do in Okinawa than just drink.
I wanted to talk to Shea for 2 reasons. 1.) I think it would make an excellent story and 2.) I want to do what he's doing. I want to make youtube videos and gear them towards the people who are looking to be a Marine or are new or coming to Okinawa. I wanted to ask Shea for advice. Shea said his whole process is fairly simple. He has a video camera he uses to film and he mostly has uses Windows Movie Maker, a simple program found on most computers, to edit.
Shea is leaving Okinawa in a few months and Malta and I have a lot of ideas on how to improve on what Shea has started. We want to show the Okinawan-side of Okinawa. This may be a small island but I've talked to retirees who still haven't ran out of things to do. People are so quick to party - I want to show them the real Okinawa, so as a Christmas present to myself I ordered a digital video camera.
I hope Shea continues to show the positive side of military life in Okinawa until the day he leaves and continues at his next duty station.
Hey LCpl Krysinski,
I posted a blog about your blogspot on my myspace and put a link on my youtube, keep your eyes peeled for my peeps =P
Cpl Shea, jimmy d
Hey Michael! I found Shea's videos via MySpace. I have watched many of them. I have found a lot of his videos to be very amusing and many very motivating. His idea to put videos out there is such a wonderful idea. I have asked my friends to watch Shea’s videos as well and I have heard the same two things repeatedly. “That was hilarious” and “Wow! That was motivating.” I am, as my husband would say, one of his main sources of motivation. I am constantly trying to educated myself about Marine Corps. As a spouse and a mother, I feel that it is necessary to obtain what knowledge I can. I do this so that I can continue to support and motivate not only my husband but other Marines as well. I also feel that it is important to educated civilians, like me, about the sacrifice every single Marine makes. As a Marine Corps spouse, I would not change my life for anything. I think that what Shea is doing is wonderful. Just from glancing at his comments on MySpace it is obvious that he has already made a huge impact on many lives. I hope that his videos continue to receive views now and in the years to come. I think that this could be something HUGE! I wish you all the best of luck!
~Colleen Vigil
Hello LCpl Krysinski, I am a Marine I got out in '03, and server in Okinawa in '01. Ok I wrote lots of things to tell you about Cpl Shea, but when I read it, it really did not say exactly what I wanted, so here it goes Cpl Shea's videos ROCK I love 'em they are motivating, and when I get back in as a officer in the next year or two, he will be the first person i will look for! horrah to you both, do something with what you have, it will take you far.
Semper Fidelis
JimmyDShea inspired me to enlist active duty instead of reserves. idk why, but i want the experience of active duty.
thanks JimmyDShea!
Hey, I found Jimmy's videos on youtube while my husband was on a 14 month deployment in Iraq. With all the stress in my life at that time, watching his videos reminded me of how much I loved the Corps & all those who serve.
The work done by Cpl Shea is indeed outstanding. But what bothers me is that he has never mentioned to all his viewers that the life he shows is only the life that can be lived by a Marine in his job field or a similar one.
I spent many months on Okinawa while in the infantry and my experience was nothing like what his is. He is falsely advertising Okinawa USMC life as if every Marine has the good times as he does while there. Infantry makes up a huge part of Okinawa as does the air wing side of the USMC and he has failed to show or state this in his videos. So of course to the fresh young person out here, life in the USMC on Okinawa looks like a blast. But many Marines know better. Jimmy has the responsibility to make it perfectly clear that his life as an admin Marine is nothing like that of any one of the thousands of infantry Marines who are both stationed and deploy or pass through Okinawa. So far he has not accomplished this.
The real life of Okinawa as it is has not been shown. What we have seen is his perception of life. The infantry is being relocated off of Okinawa and the air station is also being moved due to the locals complaining. Marines for the most part are not liked on that island and this is the reality that exists there. There are many WW2 sites on that island that have great meaning also which I have not seen on his videos. The jungle training areas also would make great stories.And the banana spider and Habu deadly snake would show the realities of Okinawa along with the stifling heat and humidity that make Okinawa what it is. Taco, rice, and cheese also bring back great memories but we somehow have not seen this part of Okinawa. So let us not assume what we see in his videos is what we will experience if we join the USMC, because this is simply not true.
My complaint is not that he does not show the infantry side of the USMC. Instead it is that he never separates the two sides in his videos. By doing this he would make it clear that only some Marines can do what he does on a daily basis. This way we don't have people out here saying things such as, "I know what you did on Okinawa" just because they say one of his videos...Semper Fidelis
Anyone's experience at any duty station, regardless of where it may be, is what you make it. If you tell yourself “this place sucks” then it is really going to suck. What he has done thus far is incredible. There is always going to some topic that he has not touched on that someone may find important. Just give him a suggestion. The vibe I got from your response (person above me) was that he is able have more fun in his MOS than yours. It is almost as if you were saying that your MOS is more important. Please do not take this the wrong way. This is just how it came across to me. There Marine Corps has stationed Shea and all of the other Marines where they are needed. Doing a deployment does not make you better than the Marine sitting next to you that has not. This is just the way the service works. Every single job in the Marine Corps is important. There is no job that holds less importance. Regardless of where we all going in life there are going to be people that do not like us. You cannot keep everyone happy.
Never once did I say my job was better then his and never once did I say I am more important then he is. Never once did I say that doing a deployment makes anyone better then the next Marine. Never once did I say I am bitter or did not have fun while there. You simply assumed these things because of your interpretation of what I wrote.
I know what the brotherhood is all about and I do not need anyone to tell what USMC life is like.
If you take the time to read my last paragraph you will see my point crystal clear.
It is very obvious to me that you (person above me) have either never served or served or serve in the same job as he does which is why you took my words to mean disrespect. I say again to you, read my last paragraph and you will see where he has done wrong.
My point once again is this. If he is going to give others an idea of what life is like on Okinawa as a Marine, he must clearly point out that not all Marines have the same schedule as he does on a daily basis. He gives many out here the wrong impression as if every Marine has the time to do what he does. This is my point and I think any Marine will agree with me. By all means, represent, but lets represent correctly.
And by the way, I have on numerous occasions recommended to Jimmy my ideas.
I think it is wonderful what you guys are doing. I plan to join the Marine Corps after high school, and JimmyDSheas videos have been very helpful to me. If you were going to upload videos, Im supporting you 100 percent. Your videos would be very helpful for me to stay motivated and get into shape for boot camp. I'm sure that many, many people can agree with me on this one.
May Gof keep you all safe.
To the Marine who claims to have suggested his idea many times, I don't ever remember receiving a request like that, or I would've made a change right away to the way I make my videos, but I find your 'complaint' a bit offensive. You act like I owe something to everyone, as if I'm reponsible to make certain things clear, but the fact is, I don't. I make these videos for myself, a few friends and family...the fact that a few others watch my videos doesn't mean I have to say certain things that YOU want me to say. If you'd like to make a video saying, "infantry does a lot of things differently and doesn't have the same lifestyle" by all means, go ahead. But my videos are about MY EXPERIENCES, not everyone's.
I'll TRY to mention that my life might not be the same as other's, but if I don't, seriously, go ahead and post a video, and I'll be glad to feature it on my page.
Semper Fidelis,
Cpl Shea
"Please do not take this the wrong way. This is just how it came across to me." & "The vibe I got from your response..." Those three statements alone are why you should not have responded the way that you did. You actually fired back and took offense to my previous post. I am glad that Shea said something as well. If you feel that there are topics that need to be discussed then do it yourself. You last paragraph in your original post says the same thing as the rest of it. You were so quick to make an assumption. Oh, and just you know, everything that you said in you second post makes it crystal clear about how you feel on the subject.
Shea, keep up the great work!
I actually enjoy Sheas vidoes and I can see how many future Marines would get the wrong idea about what goes on in Japan. Both people 'above' are correct. Shea makes his videos based on his life and his views as he wants. And yes,I am sure he gives the impression that being a Marine in Japan is just as fun as can be. The issue is "responsibility" to his followers. If Shea feels he has alot of followers who wish to be Marines then it might be in his best interest to lead them correctly. This has nothing to do with your job or others jobs . What this boils down to is ensuring the public is not mislead. The person above who seems upset because of misrepresentation has every right to feel that way. Maybe he doesnt like future Marines thinking all of the USMC is this way. I have read comments here and in other places which feature Shea and its very obvious he has many followers who wish to be Marines. So he knows people watch his videos and try to get an idea of what life is like in the USMC. Ive even read a comment that stated the following,"when I join im gonna join the infantry and make videos like that Jimmy Shea Marine."..now why would he think he will have the time to do this? The reason is because no one has taught him any better. He obviously has been mislead.
Even one of your comments up above states the following.."I am constantly trying to educated myself about Marine Corps. As a spouse and a mother, I feel that it is necessary to obtain what knowledge I can.".that comes from Vigil Colleen up above. I bet you she thinks all Marines on okinawa are free to do as Mr Shea does. And then you have another comment that states that "Jimmy Shea inspired him to go active as opposed to reserves." I hope this person knows he/she may not be as fortunate as Mr Shea. This is where i can see some misrepresentation..To Jimmy-keep up the great work..you have talent,just understand alot of people look up to you whether you like it or not, so ensure your fans know the entire story in your videos that pertain to the USMC on Okinawa. To Lcpl Krysinski welcome to the island of Okinawa and i look forward to reading your adventures in the future. Stay motivated.
Hard Charger Hawaii Marine
Hey! I just found your blog and I totally love it, I would subscrbe if I had a blog... but anyways my dream is to become a Marine. Hehe yes I am a Marine wannabe. I am 14 and right now I have asthma so I pray that it will go away soon so that I can become a Marine. But if I can't just know that you are living my dream, so live it to the fullest!
Just hoping one day I can achieve my dream... just hoping someday I can become a Marine!
Oh, wow! There is some drama on this page. Bottom line is, not everyone is going to be happy. Cpl Shea cannot keep the people of the world smiling. I can see things from both sides here. Let Cpl Shea do as he will. He wants to motivate. That is what he has done for many. If it does not motivate or inform the next person of anything, then so be it. We all need a source of motivation from time to time. It is good to see a young Marine trying to do just that. The only way to truly know about the USMC is to experience it for yourself.
Semper Fidelis
well i thank the people above for commenting and making it clear that not everyone can do what the video maker does.i was under the impression that anyone in the marines can have all that free time and fun..now i know better..i guess it makes sense..some jobs require more hours then others..its sort of that misconception that i had about marines..i thought every marine was a front line fighter who went to war..well now we know this just isnt true..it would of been nice if some of those videos made to educate people like me pointed this fact out, but its no big thing..i just hope others dont get the wrong idea..thanks to the cpl and lcpl..
future marine
People really do need to chill!
Jimmy posts vids about his life in Japan. Not once have a I heard him say 'Hey join the marines and come do what I do'. I have heard him say, however, 'there are hundreds of different MOS's you can choose from'. Most somewhat intelligent people should be able to comprehend for themselves that not all of them are going to allow them to have all the freedom they like to do whatever they like. Jimmy actually refers to the MOS he chose and why he chose it in one of his videos.
Don't get me wrong, everyone is entitled to their opinion about what he is doing but personally I think he is showing people that life in the military does not have to be a bore. Life is what YOU make it, so get out there take pictures, make movies and post them and let us know how YOUR life in the Marines is (viewed through your eyes), rather than complain because he thought about his MOS and how he could still fit the things he enjoys doing in with his service!
I think it is fantastic that he is inspiring others to continue along these lines and I am looking forward to learning more about Okinawa from LCpl Krysinski in the coming months.
Semper Fi
wow whoever is offending Jimmy is GAY and needs to shove a pole up his ass!!! yea i said it cuz he's F-ing hilarious..he made me decide to go into the marines...i always knew that i wanted to go into the military but not sure which branch...but thanks jimmy for helping me choose!
peace out
t montana
I worked with Jimmy in Okinawa and his videos are as energetic as he is in real life haha. I do agree that every Marine MOS(career) is different and that all Marines have individual experiences and life styles that can vary even in the same MOS. I do think that Jimmy covers that in his videos though.
-Semper Fi
@Anonymous: November 26, 2008 6:09 AM.
What you are saying is correct and it does not only apply to the infantry--there's also 0811 stationed year-round in Oki.
The issues in Oki should have been addressed years ago; unfortunately, many a few are not as blessed with the attitude, personality, life upbringing, and talents that JimmyD has. It boils down, to a large extent, to the person's maturity and the Leadership. It is sad to reflect back to my days in Oki and the troubles I got myself into. And, I wish I could go back and be a different person and use the knowledge I have now, 15 years later, to be a leader and help others--that's what Marines ought to do. I also think that JimmyD is lucky that he has that type of MOS. But, I also blame the leadership, irregardless of MOS, because I feel it is their responsibility to create an environment where each Marine is led into the path of responsible behavior through awareness, and, most importantly, education. When I got out OTH, I got my degree and I wished I knew all the things I know now. I would tell other Marines, irregardless of rank--stay away from booze in Oki, especically if you are in a high stress MOS such as infantry or arti. Learn about the customs and traditions of the Japanese people, learn the language, organize trips, go to the beach, volunteer to do something--make your stay worth-while. In the end, you live with the knowledge that things could have been better and that you let your other Marines down; and if you could, you would do it all over again, only this time way differently--only, it is too late.
At JimmyD--I have read posts of pooles your videos have inspired. I would think you owe it to them to bring to life the fact that not all is created equal and that you can have a succesful career in the military, but that the experience will vary from MOS to MOS. I hope I make sense. Thank you, JDS-I enjoy your crazy videos; enjoyed the one where you march the troops--it's the most bearing I've seen out of your videos (LOL)
Semper Fi!
i wonder how he became a sergeant so fast. does anybody know?
this dude is the epitome of POG. I'm sorry but its true. And all the little poolee's saying he inspired them to join....what happened to being inspired by Chesty Puller, or GySgt Carlos Hathcock? If you are inspired by an admin E5 to join the nation's premier fighting force, I mean really?
Seminole 3/1
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